I was drunk and I made a mistake, though not as bad as a drunk Kennedy…

Oh my God, I done goofed! I’ve learned a valuable lesson in all this: never fiddle with a computer when drinking a fine lager.

That’s right, a few wrong clicks and my thriller The Kennedy Secret got priced at a measly $0.99. Can you imagine that? I’m practically giving the book away!

After I’ve had a chance to sober up, I made a decision to ride the storm. You’ve read correctly, boys and girls with bangs and curls, until the end of July the book will remain priced at under a dollar.

Am I nuts? Can you recommend a good shrink? Let’s start a pool on how long it’ll take before I really lose my mind!

Buy it now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Diesel, Smashwords, and soon on Sony, Kobo, and Scrollmotion. (if the price hasn’t been adjusted yet, give it a couple of days)

What do John Grisham, Stephenie Meyer, Stephen King, and I have in common?

No, I haven’t just bought a house in the Hamptons (I’m still scraping together enough for one 10th of the first month’s rent). I haven’t sold a million books either.

However, we are all sharing shelf space!!! My books are now available in more stores for your convenience. Got an iPad? A Nook?

You can find my books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Diesel, Smashwords, and soon (anywhere between one and four weeks) on Sony, Kobo, and Scrollmotion.